Monday, February 11, 2013

4th FEBRUARY 2013

sory ler pada sesape yang cal cik uya maLam tue,cik uya da tito awal..
after mama n my sibs cal and wish me,cik uya tros tito..mmg tiap taun macam nieh pon..huhu
tq mama sebab lahirkan along..tq ayah sebab besarkan along..muachhhh!!

pic cik  uya yang dah genab 25 years oLd..
Allah masih berikan cik uya peluang untk idup d dunia pinjamanNYA ini..tq Allah..

cookies adiah bezday cik uya..tq yer  ◕‿◕
nak makan pon cam sayang je..tapi petang tuh cookies nieh da tinggal separuh pon..haha
sedap tau..rase nk mita lg jer..hahaha

'this is u uya'

She was still waiting for him to come back to her,
even though he wasn't going to.
She was still holding out for something that wasn't going to happen.
She was good at waiting.
That seemed like a sad thing to be good at..

~ sumbody said that 'this is u uya'

i do agree about that on that time..

but not on this sory..